Five tips and tricks for retaining your lessons
1. Understand well: grasp the meaning of the lessons
“To learn well, you must first understand what you are learning. But you must also know what the objectives of your teachers are. This n It is only after that, that you will be able to seize “tricks” to memorize better, and faster.
So, if you don’t see the point of a lesson or what to take away from it, go see your teacher and ask them. Please don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. Not only will this show that you are interested in the course, but also that you are showing maturity.
2. Finding Your Place: The Importance of Relationships
To learn, you must also have found your place within the establishment.This assumes that you are well in your body, that you have friends, good relationships with teachers, but also that you know why you go to class in the morning. It can be simply to get good grades, to pass in the next class or even because you want to do specific studies. No matter the motivation, big or small, what is needed is to have it.
But, if you do not feel well in college or high school, above all say so! To an adult in the establishment (CPE, educational assistant, teacher, nurse, etc.) or outside (parents, grandparents, doctor, etc.), in any case, to someone you trust .
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3. Believe in your abilities: you will get there
To learn, you have to believe in yourself and in your abilities. You necessarily have some: to convince yourself of this, you just have to pay attention to what you do well rather than focusing on what you miss.
When you learn a lesson or revise a math test, set goals that are modest at first, then increasingly ambitious. It’s like climbing a mountain. From below, the effort may seem insurmountable, but if you think in steps, then everything becomes possible.
4. Memory cards or mental maps: to memorize lessons in a different way
There are techniques for memorizing such as the mental map, which helps to understand and therefore learn lessons. Or even memory cards (“flash card”). These are particularly well suited for memorizing keywords, vocabulary, irregular verbs, etc.
The principle is simple: you take a sheet and cut it into eighths. On each small card you note information on the front and associated information on the back (it can be “tree” on the front and “tree” on the back You take as many cards as you want. Once you are done, you read each card again. In a second step, you reread it only the front and try to remember the back. You repeat this operation twice, then you start again the next day and on a regular basis.
Advantage of this method: it is rather amusing. And writing the keywords forces you to select the important information from the course. In addition, playing several times can reactivate your memory.. If you learn your lesson all at once, you may remember it for the test but hardly beyond!
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5. Answer 5 questions to check that you have understood
Example with the Pythagorean theorem:
What’s this ? : definition.
What’s the point ? : this solves a problem.
How ? : rules of use.
With what ? : link with the other parts of the program.
Why ? : where does the Pytaghorian theorem come from?
What makes that at some point, we invented it?