internship report

What you should not forget to put in your 3rd year internship report


Start with an introduction

In the introduction to your internship report, you set the scene and explain your approach. “We expect students to tell how they found their internship , why they did it in one place rather than another. They have to say what they expected and tell us share their possible apprehensions”, explains Julie Clot, principal of Les Martinets college in Rueil-Malmaison (92).

How to present the company

After the introduction, you must present the company or the administration in which you did your internship. Don’t just repeat the official organization chart without explanation or comment. More than a diagram, what interests the jury is to know how, concretely, the work is organized between departments and within a department.

If you did your internship in a small company, the risk is that you won’t have much to say. In this case, work around the problem by describing the relationship between the company and its service providers (accountant, suppliers, etc.) or with its customers.

If, on the other hand, you did your internship in a large organization and came back with arms full of brochures and other activity reports, be careful not to be overwhelmed by an excess of information. “An internship report is not a communication file!” insists Silvia Collet, Spanish teacher at the Landry college in Rennes (35) and member of the internship jury.

Zoom in on a job

Another objective of the internship report: to make you think about your orientation through the observation of a particular professional whose “job description” you will establish. “The best thing is to proceed in the form of an interview. Ask your interlocutor about his professional background, his motivations and the qualities necessary to exercise his profession…” advises a professor of technology.

What is your conclusion?

This is certainly the most important part of your report. This is where you will give your impressions, where you will share your satisfactions and disappointments. You must say very clearly what surprised you, what pleased or displeased you during your internship. “After reading the report, we want to know the assessment that the student drew from this first foray into the world of work. What did it bring him? Has he changed his professional project ?” insists Julie Clot.

Regardless of where you did your internship and how it went, be sincere and honest in your findings. There is no right answer, right way of thinking; as there are no good or bad internships. Take a step back and ask yourself what this internship has brought you in the end.

To print your documents

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